Mentor MEMS
Mentor MEMS Design Flow
Tanner MEMS design flow delivers 3D MEMS design and fabrication support in one unified environment, and makes it easy to integrate MEMS devices with analog/mixed-signal processing circuitry on the same IC. Foundry-proven, it enhances the manufacturability of MEMS devices via mechanical, thermal, acoustic, electrical, electrostatic, magnetic and fluid analyses.
- Create a MEMS 3D model from layout
- Highly programmable layout editor with MEMS-friendly capabilities, such as curved polygons
- Design rule checking for MEMS manufacturability
- System-level simulation of IC design and MEMS devices
- Complete layer & design geometry visualization
- Automatically generate behavioral models of your MEMS devices
- Import DXF with boundary reconstruction, export DXF
- Available for Windows or Linux
Advanced 3D analysis tools
- Supports mechanical, thermal, acoustic, electrical, electrostatic, magnetic and fluid analyses.
Complex polygon Boolean operations
- Reduces errors and increases productivity.
Automatic layout generation with parameterized cells
- Cells can be compiled for speed and/or distribution, programmed in C++ or Tcl. Supports external interfaces.
Advanced mask layout and verification flow
- Support for a wide variety of MEMS foundry-proven process support available.
Technical Support
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